A neckless from "Tatted Jewerly", by Marilee Rockley. I had ordered the colour she is using for this neckless, but when it came, I discovered that I did not have any beads that fit to those colours. I wanted so much to do this neckless, so I took this thread, which I like very much, and it will probably be good also. I think it may be too big for me, but I think I can find someone who would like to have it!
På varenda Lisbeth-garn har jag hittat en knut! Undrar om det brukar vara så!? Nu hade jag inte hunnit börja på arbetet, så det var ingen större katastrof. Men när man frivolitetar är det inte roligt om det blir en knut mitt i, det är väldigt krångligt att skarva tråden.
On every ball of Lisbeth yarn I have used, it has been a knot! Is that common? I hadn´t started the work, so it was not a big disaster. But I really don´t like it! Love the thread and the colours, but could be without the knots!